Infant Rehabilitation

Infant Rehabilitation:

The first year of a child’s life is the most critical period for motor skill development, influencing their entire life. Infant rehabilitation is essential to support these dynamic motor changes, from lying down to standing up and walking.​

Observing a baby’s behavior is the best way to understand their needs and reactions to various stimuli. While parents spend the most time with their child, it is advisable to consult a physiotherapist to ensure proper development. Infant rehabilitation helps identify any potential developmental issues early on.​

Although each child develops individually, their motor development follows a predictable pattern. Key milestones such as lifting the head, sitting, and walking occur in a specific order, even if the timing varies. Infant rehabilitation is crucial if the child’s development does not progress at the expected pace, for example, if they are not grasping their feet, sitting up, or rolling over by the expected time.​

Identified motor development issues and dysfunctions in vision, hearing, balance, or touch can be effectively treated with early intervention. Infant rehabilitation promotes harmonious and well-rounded development, minimizing the impact of any detected disorders.​

At our clinic, we teach new parents proper infant care techniques, known as handling, which support the child’s healthy motor development. This prevents the development of improper movement patterns and compensatory mechanisms that could lead to postural issues, abnormal gait, or sensory integration problems.​

In cases of developmental disorders, we provide therapy for infants using neurodevelopmental methods. Infant rehabilitation at our clinic guarantees professional care and support for your child’s health and development.​

Centrum Medyczne VENAMED