Treatment of obesity​

Treatment of obesity​

Obesity is a chronic disease of civilization. Today, more and more people are struggling with it. Excess body weight is not necessarily due to poor eating habits or lack of physical activity. The cause of obesity is due to other disease factors, which can disappear or be eliminated through specialized treatment under the guidance of appropriate doctors and specialists.​

Treatment of obesity is very important for both physical and mental health. Weight reduction contributes to improved overall health, quality and prolongation of life. The aspect of improved mental well-being manifests itself through a better, healthy appearance, acceptance of one’s body and an overall improved sense of well-being.​

Centrum Medyczne VENAMED

Specialist physicians and nutritionists​

At VenaMed, our patients can count on the support of specialist physicians and dieticians, who, after thorough examinations, will select an appropriate diet and possible form of treatment tailored individually to each patient.​

We also offer mental support, which is equally important in the treatment of obesity. Our specialists use modern medications, which they combine with diet therapy. They also treat comorbidities and guarantee a holistic approach to patients.​